Pro Tips & Tricks!

What Can A Professional Cleaning Service Do For You?

A Clean Home Reduces Stress
A clean house after a stressful day on the job can provide a natural sanctuary that we need more than ever in today’s new normal.
Reduce Allergens
A dust free home reduces allergens in the air. Regular dusting, vacuuming and moping makes a cleaner, safer, home for you and your family.  
Stop The Spread Of Germs
Cleaning heavily used items and surfaces like the remote control, doorknobs, light switches and the fridge handle regularly will help stop the spread of germs from surface to surface. 
Avoid Mold
Mold loves to creep uninvited into warm, moist environments and unchecked, will make you sick. Reduces the chances with regular housecleaning.
Improve Air Quality
We believe our clients should have a healthy living space and using the safest, least toxic cleaning agents and methods that will get the job done properly. We aim to improve leave you with air quality should be better after we leave than before we arrived.
Expert Knowledge
Our cleaning technicians are trained to know the appropriate solutions to be used on specific surfaces. JEM stays updated on the latest and most reliable information and techniques to make sure the house cleaning services we provide are the very best possible.

Let's Talk About Water!

Did You Know That Water is Considered the World's Most Powerful Solvent?'

Water is the “universal solvent” because it is capable of dissolving more substances than any other liquid.
Here a JEM, We kick it up a notch and use DEIONIZED water.

What is Deionized Water?

Water that has been filtered to remove nearly 100% of all elements except the hydrogen & oxygen that form the water molecule. Essentially, completely pure water, with a purity degree 4 times higher than that of distilled water.

How Does Deionized Water Work?

Deionized water draws in other minerals and elements, such as those found in dirt and contaminants. Since its mineral content is removed, it’s very “hungry” to acquire other components. It aggressively tries to compensate for the loss of its ions by taking them away from its surroundings.

Why Does JEM Use Deionized Water To Clean?

Because of its ability to easily remove “gunk,” it makes a great cleaning agent for a variety of surfaces such as windows, table tops, wooden surfaces, mirrors, baseboards. Since there are no minerals in deionized water, it leaves behind no residue, spots, or stains on surfaces.

Tips & Ideas

How to Keep Your Shower Sparkling Clean
Keeping your shower clean is about two things. Prevention and regular cleaning. To prevent the formation of soap scum on shower surfaces, try switching to a shower gel to reduce soap scum!
Prevent Mold and Mildew in your Shower
To prevent mold and mildew squeegee or towel dry shower after each use. Also, turn on the exhaust fan for about 30 minutes and leave the shower door open until dry.  Anything to reduce the moisture and humidity will go a long way toward reducing mold and mildew.
Decluttering Can Pay Off!
Some of the stuff that you don’t use use is probably pretty nice. Not nice enough to keep, but hard to just throw out or donate! You can sell it! On Facebook, Kijiji, and many other sites. Take photos and price it right.
Do Your Part For Sustainability
When Possible: **Switch to reusable glass instead of plastic. **Bundle online orders & eliminate packaging waste. **Carry a water bottle. **Get into thrifting! **Use reusable shopping & produce bags.
How To Clean Your Showerhead
When hard water & calcium build up on your showerhead, simply tie a baggie filled with white distilled vinegar around the shower head.  Allow to sit overnight, then remove the baggies and run the shower to flush the build-up.
Revive Cloudy Glasses.
Remove built-up film from hard-water minerals by soaking stemware in white vinegar for five minutes. Then rinse by hand and dry with a microfiber cloth.
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